What is Teach GenAI?

Teach GenAI is a project funded by It-vest, comprising two strategic initiatives:

  • A professional development course for university educators at AAU, AU, and SDU, running yearly for three iterations scheduled for 2024-27.
  • An open online course designed to introduce students to the application of generative AI for academic purposes.

Rationale Behind Teach GenAI

The recent accessibility of generative AI models and chatbots has introduced new possibilities for teaching and learning. However, it has also created new challenges for educators, who must now equip students with the skills to use generative AI responsibly and effectively within their respective disciplines. This project aims to guide educators in this endeavor while exploring the potential of teaching and learning with generative AI in Danish universities.

Project aims

Introduce Generative AI skills 

Present generative AI skills and knowledge to teaching staffs across three universities in Denmark.

Discuss the use of Generative AI 

Share experiences from educators and facilitate discussions on how generative AI should be part of teaching in different discipline.

Explore Generative AI in teaching 

Encourage and support experiments on how to teach generative AI in specific courses - both technically and pedagogically.

Develop Generative AI teaching practices

Develop and evaluate knowledge, models, and guidelines on how to integrate Generative AI in teaching across multiple disciplines.